Retirement Solutions

Retire with abundance - anywhere in the world?We've got you covered!

US Dollar income to help you retire anywhere in the world without holding back your lifestyle.We are currently building world class retirement solutions just for you! Limited enrolments will open soon. Reserve now to not miss out!

US Dollar income to help you retire anywhere in the world without holding back your lifestyle.We are currently building world class retirement solutions just for you! Limited enrolments will open soon. Reserve now to not miss out!

Coming SoonComing Soon

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HDFC Life International

From a global lifestyle to the best healthcare in the world for your family or a world class education for your kids, HDFC Life International is here to open up possibilities for the Global Indian with US Dollar denominated innovative solutions.

HDFC International Life and Re Company Limited, IFSC Branch

FCRN: F06803 & IFSCA Registration No.: IFSCA/IIO/006/2022-23(Regulated by the IFSCA)

Registered Branch Office and Address for Correspondence: Office No. 213, Hiranandani Signature, Second Floor, Block 13B, Zone - 1, GIFT SEZ, Gift City, IFSC, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India - 382355.

The registered marks including the name/letters "HDFC" in the name/logo of the Company/branch belongs to HDFC Bank Limited ("HDFC Bank") and the name/letters "HDFC Life" is used by HDFC Life Insurance Company Limited ("HDFC Life") and its subsidiary, HDFC International Life and Re Company Limited under a licence/agreement between HDFC Bank and HDFC Life.

For more details on risk factors, associated terms and conditions and exclusions please read sales brochure carefully before concluding a sale.